Saturday, 17 February 2018

SOP for Receipt, Storage and Handling of Chemicals

1.0       Objective:
               To provide written procedure for Receipt, Storage and Handling of Chemicals                
 2.0         Scope:-
               This SOP covers all the chemicals and media received in 
               Store officer: Responsible for receiving and storage of the chemicals & media.
               Jr. Research Officer/ Research officer/HOD: Responsible for proper handling and storage of the chemicals & media.
               QA/GM: Responsible for verification of the chemical with purchase order.  
4.0          Procedure:-
4.1          Receipt and Storage: 
4.1.1       Store all chemicals received in the store room.
4.1.2       Check the chemicals, solvents and media received for the name, make and grade against the delivery challan.
4.1.3       Once the material found satisfactory with respect to make and grade accept the materials and signature the delivery challan. Send the delivery challan to account department.
4.1.4       If any variation is found in the above check like different grade etc. inform the same to QA Dept. or GM for necessary action.
4.1.5       All chemicals / solvents shall have a storage period of 5 years. For media the “Use before” dates are taken from the container label.
4.1.6       Make necessary entries in the chemical stock register accordingly.
4.2        Handling:
4.2.1     When a chemical is required for analysis, entries shall be made in the register.
4.2.2       Affix a label having the details of the Date of receipt, Date of Open, Use before and Signature on all the containers. A typical format is follows.

USE BEFORE          :
SIGNATURE          :

4.2.3       Fresh indents for chemicals shall be made as required.
4.2.4       The empty container shall be disposed after usage by defacing the label.
5.0         History of Revision:
Revision No.
Effective Date
Revision details
Reason for revision

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