Saturday, 17 February 2018

SOP for Disposal of Waste generated in the laboratory.

1.0     Objective:
               To provide written procedure for Disposal of Waste generated in the laboratory.
2.0          Scope:
               This SOP includes the Disposal of waste generated in the laboratory of the left over samples of  finished product and raw materials.
3.0          Responsibility:
               Jr. Research Officer/ Research Officer aware about the property of the material and disposed as per the procedure.
           QA Officer/QA Manager: Review the records and governing the document.
4.0          Procedure:
4.1       The left over samples (Finished product and Raw Materials) after analysis shall be discarded in the waste disposal containers.
4.2       The Disposal container shall be filled with fresh water and calcium carbonate.
4.3        Send sample disposal container to effluent treatment plant for oxidative degradation
4.3    Other laboratory waste shall be put in dustbins, which will be disposed in the scrap.                       
4.4          All the solutions after analysis shall be drained off along with plenty of water.
4.5          The left over samples shall not be thrown as such without dissolving it in water.
4.6        The left over samples of printed packaging material shall be defaced, cut into pieces and    then are put in dustbins.
4.7         Labels of the empty bottles shall be defaced before sending it to scrap.
4.8           Acid and alkali bottles shall be rinsed with water before sending it to scrap.

5.0         History of Revision:
Revision No.
Effective Date
Revision details
Reason for revision

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