1.0 Objective:
To provide written procedure for the Operation of Vacuum
2.0 Scope:
This SOP covers Operation of Vacuum Oven in Quality
Control department.
3.0 Responsibility:
Research Officer, Research Officer: Responsible for operation and maintenance
of the instrument as per procedure.
Head of Department: Responsible
for maintenance, timely as per
QA Officer/QA Manager: Review the records and governing the document
4.0 Procedure:
4.1 Ensure that the instrument is
clean & free from dust.
4.2 Switch ‘ON’ the temperature control knob,
and adjust the required temperature by pushing black button and a
thermostatically control knob, by rotating it in clockwise or anti-clockwise
4.3 Release the 3 screw type knobs by rotating,
so the glass door of the instrument can be opened.
4.4 Place the bottle and stopper
containing the substance under test, inside the chamber on a rack.
4.5 Close the door and tighten the 3 knobs
4.6 If require vacuum pressure, connect
the vacuum pressure pump to the vacuum nozzle of the instrument provided on the
top of the instrument.
4.7 Open the vacuum-releasing knob i.e. on
the top of the instrument.
4.8 Now apply vacuum pressure with the
help of a vacuum pressure pump.
4.9 Check the pressure gauge of the
instrument till the needle at the required vacuum.
4.10 As soon as the required vacuum
is approached close the vacuum-releasing knob.
4.11 Allow the substance under test
to dry at a specified temperature and specified time as indicated in the monograph
or as required.
4.12 Now, slowly release the vacuum through
the releasing knob till the needle of the gauge
declines to zero ( its rest
position ).
4.13 Open the 3 screw type knobs and unload
the chamber.
4.14 Switch off the instrument and keep it
under cover when not in use.
5.0 Routine
5.1 Ensure that the power supply to the
instrument is switched OFF before cleaning.
5.2 Clean the instrument with a clean, dry
cloth every day.
5.3 Occasionally wet cloth dipped in
diluted soap solution can be used.
5.4 Precaution has to be taken to clean
the instrument immediately with dry cloth to remove the moisture.
6.0 Precautions:
6.1 Do not keep the door of the oven open
for a long period when the temperature is ‘ON’.
6.2 Applying and releasing of the vacuum should
be done slowly so as to avoid the substance from propelling out
of the bottle.
7.1 Annexure – 1 - Vaccum
oven usage log book. XXX/FRM/000
8.0 History of Revision:
Revision No.
Reason for
Annexure – 1
Vaccum Oven
Usage log book
Name of Sample
A. R. No.
Batch No.
Analysed by
SOP No. : XXX/SOP/000-00 Format
No. : XXX/FRM/000-00
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