Saturday, 17 February 2018

SOP For Operation of Drying Oven.

1.0     Objective:
        To provide written procedure for the operation of Drying Oven.
2.0          Scope:
               This SOP covers operation of Drying Oven.
3.0          Responsibility:
               Junior Research officer, Research Officer: Responsible for operation of the instrument as per procedure.
         QA Officer/QA Manager: Review the records and governing the document. 
4.0          Procedure:
4.1          Ensure that the instrument is clean and free from dust.
4.2          Switch ‘ON’ the main switch.
4.3          The red indication light will be ‘ON’.
4.4          There is switch for the selection of temperature range.
4.5       The required temperature (e.g. 80° C) can be set by pushing black button and a thermostatically control knob, by rotating it in clockwise or anti-clockwise direction.
4.6          Inside the oven, there are three trays. Put the glassware’s, on this tray and close the door of the oven.
4.7          A vapour or fumes releasing valve is also provided on the top middle part of the instrument.
5.0          Precaution:
5.1          Do not keep the door of the instrument open for a long period when the temperature is  ‘ON’

6.0          History of Revision:

Revision No.
Effective Date
Revision details
Reason for revision

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