1.0 Objective:
Annexure – 2
To provide written procedure for
the operation of UV Cabinet.
2.0 Scope:
This SOP covers operation of UV
cabinet in Quality Control department.
3.0 Responsibility:
Research Officer, Research Officer: Responsible for operation, calibration and
maintenance of the instrument as per procedure.
Head of Department: Responsible
for calibration and maintenance, timely as per schedule.
QA Officer/QA Manager: Review the records and governing the document.
4.0 Procedure:
4.1 Ensure that the instrument is clean
and free from dust,
4.2 Switch ‘ON’ the mains.
4.3 Switch ‘ON’ the instrument.
4.4 Open the cabinet and place the TLC
plate inside it and close the cabinet.
4.5 Three switches are provided on the top
right corner of the instrument.
Switch 1 - For Visible Light.
Switch 2 - For UV Light at long
wavelength (366 nm).
Switch 3 - For UV Light at short
wavelength (254 nm).
4.6 Select the required Light and switch
it ‘ON’.
4.7 Observe the plate for visualization of
spot from the observation - compartment (Window).
4.8 Switch ‘OFF’ the instrument when not
5.0 Calibration:
5.1 Prepared 0.04 % w/v solution of Sodium
Salicylate in alcohol and apply 5 µl spot on a plate coated with silica gel G
for lamps emitting emission band with maximum intensity at about 254 nm.
5.2 Examine the spot
in a position normal to the radiation. The lamp should be capable of revealing
a standard spot of a diameter of about 5 mm on a plate.
5.3 Prepared 0.2 % w/v solution of Sodium Salicylate in alcohol
and apply 5 µl spot on a plate
coated with silica gel G for lamps emitting emission band with maximum
intensity at
about 366 nm.
5.4 Examine the spot in a position normal to the
radiation. The lamp should be capable of revealing a spot of a diameter of
about 5 mm on the plate.
5.5 Enter the details of calibration as per
given in Annexure – 1.
6.0 Precautions:
6.1 Do not start at UV rays for a long
6.2 Do not use organic solvents for
cleaning of the instrument.
6.3 Do not keep the used TLC plate inside
the cabinet after completion of analysis.
7.0 Routine maintenance:
7.1 Ensure that the power supply to
the instrument is switched OFF before cleaning.
7.2 Clean the instrument with a clean, dry
cloth every day.
7.3 Occasionally
wet cloth dipped in diluted soap solution can be used. Precaution has to be taken to clean the instrument
immediately with dry cloth to remove the moisture.
Annexure – 1 UV
Cabinet Calibration Record. XXX/FRM/000
Annexure – 2 UV
Cabinet usage log book XXX/FRM/000
9.0 History of Revision:
Revision No.
Reason for
Annexure – 1
Criteria: The lamp should be capable of revealing
without doubt a standard spot of Sodium salicylate with a diameter of about 5
mm of chromatographic plate coated with silica gel G.
Remarks : Satisfactory / Not Satisfactory
Calibrated by :
Checked by :
SOP No. : XXX/SOP/000-00 Format No. : XXX/FRM/000-00
Annexure – 2
Name of Sample
A. R. No.
Batch No.
Used by
SOP No. : XXX/SOP/000-00 Format No. : XXX/FRM/000-00
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