1.0 Objective:
The purpose of this SOP is to provide written procedure for
operation of Particle Size Analyzer.
2.0 Scope:
SOP covers operation of Particle Size Analyzer makes CILAS
3.0 Responsibility:
Jr. Research Officer/ Research
Officer: Responsible for operation, calibration and maintenance of the
instrument as per procedure.
Head of Department: Responsible for
calibration and maintenance timely as per schedule.
QA Officer/ QA Manager: Review the record and governing the
4.0 Procedure:
4.1 Ensure that the instrument is visibly clean and free from dust.
Operating Procedure:
4.2.1 Switch ‘ON’ the air
compressor. The pressure must be 65 to
75 psi.
4.2.2 Switch ‘ON’ the computer system, monitor and instrument.
Double click on the Particle
Size Analyzer icon or click on start menu and select Particle Size Analyzer.
For Dry Mode:
4.3.1 Click on the vaccum pump and
open the red and yellow valve to clean up the sample flow line.
Press the ‘STOP’ symbol to stop
the pressure airflow.
4.3.3 Click on the measurement icon
and fill the reference number of sample, product name, client name, batch no.
and name of operator.
4.3.4 Always keep the distribution
value three in measuring mode.
4.3.5 Click on the ‘Background
Measurement’ and measure the background and wait till highlight the sample
measurement icon. (First laser is stabilized than acquisition count will be
4.3.6 Put the sufficient sample in
sample compartment.
4.3.7 Click on the sample measurement
icon. (First laser is stabilized than vaccum will be started with vibration in
sample compartment). And wait for result.
4.3.8 After sample measurement is
completed, the vaccum pump and both the valve are open to clean up sample flow
line. After completion of cleaning pump and valve will be stopped at specified
4.3.9 To print the results of the
measurement of sample, click on the results icon and press the space bar key to
select the report. Click on the single, which is on the printing area. Select
the no. of copy and click ‘ok’
4.4 For Liquid Mode:
4.4.1 To clean the line, fill the
sample compartment with distilled water and click on the pump and stirrer.
4.4.2 Click on the flow valve to open
the outflow valve to remove the water from the sample compartment. And repeat
the same operation for 2-3 times.
4.4.3 After completion of the
cleaning fill the sample compartment with sample which is prepared in liquid
and start the pump and stirrer.
Click on the measuring icon and
fill the required data. Specified the time for measuring (60 seconds).
Click on the ‘Background
Measurement’ and measure the background and wait till highlight the sample
measurement icon. (First laser is stabilized than acquisition count will be
4.4.6 Click on the sample measurement
icon and wait for result.
4.4.7 After the completion of the
measurement click on the valve icon to open the out flow valve to discard the
sample. And clean the line with water for 2-3 times as per 4.4.1-4.4.2.
To print the results of the
measurement of sample, click on the results icon and press the space bar key to
select the report. Click on the single, which is on the printing area. Select
the no. of copy and click ‘ok’
After completion of the test
click on ‘exit’ icon to exit from the software and switch off the instrument
and shutdown the computer.
Record the usage log of the
instrument in instrument usage log book (Annexure-1)
After switching the power ‘ON’,
allow sufficient time for the instrument to stabilize.
In case of wet dispersion,
check that air bubbles are absent in the dispersion liquid.
In the case of dry dispersion,
check visually or by inspection of subsequent obscuration values that the
dosing unit for the disperser generates a steady mass flow.
Routine Maintenance:
Clean the instrument with dry
Clean the liquid sample
compartment with water and dry powder compartment with tissue paper.
6.3. Clean the line with
water in liquid mode and with vaccum in dry mode
Instrument usage log book XXX/FRM/000
8.0 History of Revision:
Revision No.
Reason for
Annexure – 1
Name of Sample
A. R. No.
B. No.
Used by
SOP No. : XXX/SOP/000-00 Format No. : XXX/FRM/000-00
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