Saturday, 17 February 2018

SOP for Operation and Calibration of Automatic Potentiometer Titrator (Autotitrator).

1.0        Objective:
               The purpose of this SOP is to provide written procedure for Operation and Calibration of Automatic Potentiometer Titrator (Autotitrator).
2.0          Scope:
               This SOP covers operation and calibration of Automatic Potentiometer Titrator, Model No.: AT – 38 C.
3.0         Responsibility:  
               Jr. Research Officer, Research Officer: Responsible for operation, calibration and maintenance of the instrument as per procedure.
               Head of Department: Responsible for calibration and maintenance, timely as per schedule.
               QA Officer/QA Manager: Review the records and governing the document
4.0         Procedure:
4.1      Ensure that the instrument is visibly clean and free from dust.
4.2          Switch ON the power to Titrator Unit.
4.3         To remove the initial interchangeable burette. Press FILL key. The unit will go in filling mode. Wait till the “SPECTRALAB AT-38C” appears on the display. Then slightly push the interchangeable burette in backward direction applying little pressure. Now pick up the interchangeable and can go for replacing it by new one. To fix the new interchangeable. Press the FILL key.
4.4          MODES:
4.4.1      There are three modes available in the unit. (1) BLANK (2) NORMALITY (3) SAMPLE  
4.4.2      Blank Mode:
To select the Blank Mode, press MODE repeatedly till “BLANK MODE PRESS MODE/ENTER” appears on the display and Amber Led lights up. Press ENTER.
              Display will show “SPECTRALAB AT-38C”. Blank Mode is now selected.
   4.4.3      Normality Mode:
               To select Normality Mode, press MODE repeatedly till “NORMALITY MODE PRESS MODE/ENTER” appears on the display and Green Led lights up. Press ENTER.
4.4.4      Display will show “SPECTRALAB AT-38C”. Normality Mode is now selected.Sample Mode:
          To select Sample Mode, press MODE repeatedly till “SAMPLE MODE PRESS MODE/ENTER” appears on the display and Amber Led lights up. Press ENTER. Display will show “SPECTRALAB AT-38C”. Blank Mode is now selected.
4.4.5       Since formula constants must be fed for calculation of result proceed as follows.
Press Formula key. Display Formula No.?, Enter formula Number (01-08).
4.5          Use Formula:
4.5.1    Press “FMLA” key. Display FORMULA NO. ? Enter formula number 01.
Display BLANK ML 0.0000 CHANGE/CLEAR/ENTER”. Feed Blank value if any or 00.00.
4.5.2 Press ENTER. Display: BACK ML. OFF CHANGE/CLEAR/ENTER. Feed Back value if any or 00.00
4.5.3  Press ENTER. Display “Factor 1, CHANGE/CLEAR/ENT”. Feed molecular Weight or Equivalent weight or any other Reaction Constant.
4.5.4  Press ENTER. Display “NORMALITY 0.10000 CHANGE/CLEAR/ENTER” Feed proper values as per requirement. Press ENTER, Display “SPECTRALAB AT-38 C”.
4.6             Entry of Sample Details:
4.6.1       Press Sample Data Key. Display “Titration Type”, Feed the type of titration using alphabetic keys.
4.6.2       Press ENTER, Display “SAMPLE NAME”, Feed name of Sample. Press ENTER, Display “SAMPLE NUMBER”, Feed the sample number. Press ENTER, Display “TITRANT”, Feed the name of the titrant. Press ENTER, Display “ELECTRODE USED”, Feed the name and no. of the electrode.
4.6.3     Press ENTER. Display “OPERATOR”, Feed the name of the operator. Press ENTER. Display “SAMPLE WEIGHT CHANGE/CLEAR/ENTER”, Feed sample weight in gms.
               Press ENTER. Display Dil. Fact.  1.000 CHANGE/CLEAR/ENTER”.
4.6.4   Press ENTER. Display “SPECTRALAB AT-38 C”. Sample Mode is now selected with all the Formula and Sample details.
4..7    Method Preparation:
4.7.1 Press “METHOD” key. Press “PARA/CAL” key. Parameters of the selected Method will appear on the display every time the ENTER key is pressed. If no change existing value of the parameter is required, simply press ENTER.
4.7.2     If change in value is required use Numerical Keys 0 to 9 to enter new value and press ENTER. Next parameter with its existing value will appear on the display. Carry out this procedure till the time the last Parameter is entered. At the end the TITRATOR will return to “SPECTRALAB AT-38 C”.
4.8          Storing of a User Method:
               Enter all the parameters required for a particular titration as per the programming instruction procedure. Press “USER METHOD” key again and again until Display shows “STORE NO?”. Press any numerical key from 1 to 51. Press  “ENTER”. Display shows message “STORING METHOD”. During this time the set parameters are storedat given user Method Number and the Titrator will return to “SPECTRALAB AT-38 C”.
4.9       Recalling of a User Method:
Press “USER METHOD” repeatedly until Display shows message “RECALL NO.”
         Presses desired method no. 1 to 51 and press ENTER. Display shows recalling method and the Titrator will return to “SPECTRALAB AT-38 C”.
4.10      AUX FUNCTION:
4.10.1   Pres AUX FUNCT, Display Organization (Feed name of organization by using SHIFT key first and then by alphabet keys. Up to 20 characters can be fed.)
4.10.2  Press ENTER. Display Location (Feed name of Location by using SHIFT key first and then by alphabet keys. Up to 20 characters can be fed.)
4.10.3     Press ENTER. Display -- TITR NO. ;  “CLEAR OR ENTER” (By pressing CLEAR key clear the titration number and it will start from zero.   
4.10.4     Press ENTER. Display --- TIME  # Hr : Mn   “SET/CLEAR/ENTER” (if time setting is necessary, feed correct time.)
4.10.5    Press ENTER. Display --- DATE   DD/MM/YYYY   “SET/CLEAR/ENTER” (if date setting is necessary, use numerical key and feed correct date.)
4.10.6     Press ENTER. Display --- BR ml 10/20   Press 1/2/Enter (Press 1 for 10 ml & press 2 for 20 ml burette)
4.10.7     Press ENTER. Display --- RINSE BURETTE ? Yes = GO/No = Enter (If press GO, then the titrator will dose 45 ml & fill 45 ml of titrant.) Press ENTER, in case rinsing is not required.
4.10.8 Display --- ML EJECT – 00.10   “CHANGE/CLEAR/ENTER” (use numerical keys to set the volume ejected with each stroke of EJECT key.)
4.10.9 Press ENTER. Display --- BR. FACTOR 1.0000  “CHANGE/CLEAR/ENTER” (Always set it to 1.0000)
4.10.10  Press ENTER.  Display --- Non Pol. Elec.  “Pol = 0 / Nonpol = 1”   (Select type of electrode required & press ENTER). If polarized electrode is selected, Display --- current 1 “Press 1/2/3/ENT”  (select polarizing current)
4.10.11  Press ENTER.  Eject > mv Indication  “0 = mv / 1 = pH  (select mv/ pH indication during manual dosing)
4.10.12   Press ENTER. Display --- Fill speed > High “Low/Medi/High : 0/1/2” (Select the burette filling speed as per requirement. Low speed is used for dense fluids.)
4.10.13   Press ENTER. Display --- SPECTRALAB AT – 38 C.
4.11        Reports:
               Select one report before the titration. This report will be printed immediately after titration. For selection proceed as follows:
4.11.1     Press REPORT, Display – RESULT REPORT  “ REPORT/ENTER” (Press ENTER if want to this report).
4.11.2   Press REPORT, Display -- PARAMETER REPORT  “REPORT/ENTER”  (Press     ENTER if want to this report).
4.11.3 Press REPORT, Display -- ml. v/s mv.   “REPORT/ENTER”  (Press ENTER if want to this report).
4.11.4 Press REPORT, Display --  GRAPHICS  “REPORT/ENTER”  (Press ENTER if want to this report).
4.11.5     Press REPORT, Display -- DOCUMENT REPORT “REPORT/ENTER” (Press ENTER if want to Document report).
4.11.6     User can get DATA report before titration. For selection proceed as follows:
4.11.7     Press PARA key, Display – DATA REPORT “PRINT = REPORT/NO = ENTER”.
4.11.8     Press REPORT key, Display – PC/prn/LCD   0/1/2  
               Report > Display (Select appropriate option)

4.11.9     If for any of the above if you press ENTER, the Report will be selected and display will show “SPECTRALAB AT – 38 C” indicating that the choice of your report is selected and the instrument is now ready to do other task.
5.0          Operating Procedure for Performing a Titration:
5.1          Preparation: 
5.1.1     Choose proper electrode and mount it in the vessel. Connect the electrode cable at the backside of the titrator Unit.
5.1.2   Switch ON, the titrator Unit and Printer. If all the interconnecting cables are well connected, “SPCTRALAB AT- C” will appear on the Display.
5.1.3           First find out the Normality of the solution against which further titrations are to be
               carried out.
5.2          Titration for Normality:
5.2.1     Select Mode such that “NORMALITY” will appear on the display. Press ENTER. The desired Method is now selected.
5.2.2      To check / enter the required parameters, press MTHOD key and then PARAMETER key and press ENTER. By successive pressing of ENTER key, all the selected parameters can be seen one after the other.
5.2.3      Mounting the Interchangeable Burette – Press “Fill” to ensure that the Burette Drive Rod is at home position. Slide the Interchangeable burette with valve so that it engages properly. Keep the Reservoir on the back side of the Syringe.
5.2.4       Insert the filling tube in the Reservoir using bottle adaptor. Press AUX FUNCTION and press ENTER successively till Display – Rinse Burette? Yes = GO / No = Enter. Select required parameter.
5.2.5    Instrument is now ready for operation in the normality Mode, for standardization of Normality against standard.   

5.2.6       Weigh suitable quantity of standard substance and transfer it in the titration vessel.
5.2.7            Mount the vessel in it place. See that the Electrode and Stirrer rod are properly dipped.
             Insert the dosing side tube with tip in the vessel through capillary holder provided on the
5.2.8       Select the stirring speed by incrementing or decrementing the arrow keys.
5.2.10     Press Formula (FMLA) and feed the details.
5.2.11             Press REPORT and select RESULT REPORT and press ENTER.
               Press METHOD and GO to initiate the titration.
5.2.12             Progress of titration can be seen on Display. Display will show STIRTIME. Stirring will
               take place as per the time selected.  
5.2.13             After stirring operation instrument will start dosing rapidly till ONSET or START value is reached. ml doing with corresponding mv. or pH will be displayed. Instrument will go in steps and delays as per the selected parameters. After achieving STOP criteria, titration will be completed and indicated with three beeps.
5.2.14             Pre-selected Report will be printed. Display will ask for any more Reports or Clear. If press CLEAR to go for next titration and for filling the burette before next titration.
5.3       After completion of the analysis Enter the details of instrument usage log book as per given in Annexure – 1.
6.0          Precaution:
6.1       At the end of the day, remove solutions from burette wash all glassware etc. Remove electrode and store it as per electrode requirement.
6.2         Do not spill any chemicals on the instrument. Protect the instrument from chemical fumes.

7.0          Calibration:
7.1          pH Calibration:
7.1.1    Connect the Non aqueous Electrode (SLCL 51) Electrode filling solution is Lithium Chloride (LiCl) saturated in Methanol/Ethanol.
7.1.2            Press ‘Monitor’ key. Display will show ‘Monitor/Enter’. Now to perform calibration 
               press ‘ENTER’ key. Display will show ‘Calibration ? YES = GO NO = ENTER’.
7.1.3       Then press ‘Go’ key. Display will show ‘Temp A/M 1/0’.
               If automatic temperature indication with temperature sensor (RTD) is required then press ‘1’ otherwise press ‘0’ for normal entry of temperature. If manual temperature is selected then display will show ‘Temp 25.00 C    Change/Clear/Enter’.
               Enter temperature value manually then press ‘Enter’.
7.1.4                 Display will show ‘Standard 07.00 pH’, dip the pH electrode in 7.00 pH’ and press Enter.
               Then display will show ‘pH1 04.00’, dip the electrode in the selected buffer and
press Enter. The Titrator checks for stable pH value for few seconds. If proper stability not observed, message ‘Buffer not proper’ will appear. Change the buffer or Electrode if defective. If the reading are stable, the instrument will go through calibration process for the first buffer and will come to the next stage and will display ‘pH2 09.20’. Carry out the same procedure as above for second buffer e.g. 9.20.
7.1.5    After the above step the Titrator will complete the calibration and a message “Calib Report?”  Yes = Go / No = ‘Enter’ will appear. Press “Go” for printed report. Now report will show exact value of buffer calibrated along with temperature, asymmetric voltage and slope.
7.1.6      The previous calibration report can be obtained by the following steps. Press ‘Monitor’ key. Press ‘Cal’ key. Press ‘Enter’. Press ‘Go’. Then select appropriate option (PC/Printer).

7.1.7      Acceptance Criteria: ± 0.5 % of Set value
7.2         Performance Check:
7.2.1          Take five different weights about 150 mg, 200 mg, 250 mg, 300 mg, and 350 mg of
              Potassium Hydrogen Phthalate and titrate with 0.1 M Sodium Hydroxide solution. Note
              down the consumed of 0.1 M Sodium Hydroxide solution in ml.
7.2.2    Plot the graph of weight verses consumed ml of solution the graph should be linear.   Calculate the correlation coefficient; it should be not less than 0.99.  
8.0                  Routine maintenance:
8.1                Clean the instrument with dry cloth
8.2         Clean the electrode with clean and dry tissue paper.
9.0         Documentation:
9.1         Annexure – 1         Instrument usage log book.                     XXX/FRM/000
9.2         Annexure – 2         Auto-titrator  calibration format               XXX/FRM/000

10.0       History of Revision

Revision No.
Effective Date
Revision details
Reason for revision

Annexure – 1
Name of Sample
A. R. No.
Batch No.
Used by

SOP No. : XXX/SOP/000-00                                                         Format No. : XXX/FRM/000-00

Annexure – 2

Calibration of Auto Titrator

Calibrated Date   :                                                         Next due date for calibration :

Make                   :                                                         Model No. :          

1.0       Calibration of pH  :

pH Initial Value
pH 4.00
pH 7.00
pH 9.20
Observed pH

3.98 to 4.02
6.965 to 7.035
9.154 to 9.246

Remarks  : Satisfactory / Not Satisfactory

2.0  Calibration of performance check :

Primary Standard  : Potassium Hydrogen Phthalate

Primary Standard No. :

Make  :                                                           

Batch No.  :    

Sr. No.
Weight of
Potassium Hydrogen Phthalate
Consumed ml of 0.1 M Sodium Hydroxide Solution





  Correlation Coefficient

Not Less Than 0.99

Remarks : Satisfactory / Not Satisfactory

Calibrated by  :                                                                      Checked by      :

SOP No. : XXX/SOP/000-00                                                                Format No. : XXX/FRM/000-00

3.0  Burette Calibration:

Standard Used:-  Borosil  burette of  class A with  capacity of  20.00 ml

Method of test:-Test the unit  using D.M water by dispensing the volume of 10 ml at 27 °C
for different volume size.

Interchangeable Burette:

Dosing (in ml)

Dosing step(in ml)

ml. displayed on AT-38 B (A)

ml on standard Burette (B)

Deviation (A-B)


Note:- Average %  Deviation is 0% & hence required BURETTE FACTOR 1.00

Remarks : Satisfactory / Not Satisfactory

Calibrated by  :                                                                              Checked by  :

SOP No. : XXX/SOP/000-00                                                     Format No. : XXX/FRM/000-00

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