Saturday, 17 February 2018


1.0     Objective:
         To provide written procedure for Operation and Calibration of Photofluorometer.
2.0      Scope:
           This SOP covers Operation and Calibration of Photofluorometer.
3.0      Responsibility:
     Jr. Research Officer, Research Officer: Responsible for operation, calibration and maintenance of the instrument as per procedure.
     Head of Department: Responsible for calibration and maintenance, timely as per schedule.
       QA Officer/QA Manager: Review the records and governing the document.
4.0          Procedure:
4.1          Ensure that the instrument is clean and free from dust.
4.2          Connect the mains plug of instrument to the 230 V A.C. mains.
4.3          Set the sensitivity control in LOW position, STANDARD and BLANK (coarse & fine) controls to minimum i.e. counter clockwise.
4.4          Insert ‘Primary’ and ‘Secondary’ filters in the appropriate slots marked.
               Primary filters marked         1)         366      nm
                                                                2)         5113    nm
               Secondary filters                   1)         4308    nm
                                                               2)         3486    nm
4.5          Switch on the instrument and ensure that the neon lamp on the front panel is glowing.
4.6      Allow the instrument to warm up for a period of 30 minutes prior to use.
4.7  MEASURING PROCEDURE:  [Direct method with computed blank correction]
4.7.1    Set sensitivity switch control in HIGH position.

4.7.2            Do not press the SHUTTER, adjust display to zero by BLANK controls with Coarse and
               fine knob.
4.7.3            Insert the test tube containing the ‘standard solution’ of known concentration into the
               test tube holder and align the index marking on the test tube with the marking on the
4.7.4      Depress the ‘Shutter and adjust the ‘STANDARD’ controls ‘Coarse’ and ‘Fine’ to set the display reads standard reading or 100 counts to full scale exactly. Always adjust 100 full scale at the lowest possible sensitivity. In case 100 full scale is not possible at LOW sensitivity, try at MEDIUM, and if still not possible at MEDIUM try at HIGH. Call this reading ‘S’. DO NOT DISTURB BLANK CONTROLS.
4.7.5       Replace the standard solution with blank solution. Depress the shutter and note the display reading ‘B’.
4.7.6                 Replace the bank solution with unknown solution. Depress the shutter and note the reading ‘ U ’.
4.7.7    The blank reading ‘ B ’ is part of the reading ‘ S ’ and  ‘ U ’ and must be subtracted   before ‘ S ’ and ‘ U ’are compared. After subtraction the remainders are proportional to              the concentration of the considered fluorophor in the ‘Standard’ and the ‘Unknown’.
                               U - B   =          Concentration of Unknown
                                                  S - B               Concentration of Standard
     OR   Concentration of Unknown = U - B X Concentration of Standard
                                                                                                S - B
4.7.8            Record the details in usage logbook (Annexure - 1).
5.0          Calibration procedure:
5.1          SENSITIVITY:
               Check the sensitivity of the instrument with the help of 0.2 ppm solution of Riboflavin in 0.2 N HCl (use solution c prepared for linearity) secondary wave length 3486 nm  and  primary wave length 5113 nm as per the measuring procedure. The solution should show response.
5.2          LINEARITY:
5.2.1       Glacial Acetic Acid :  Reagent Grade.
5.2.2       Standard Riboflavin solution :    Weigh accurately about 50.0 mg of Riboflavin working standard in a 500 ml  volumetric flask; add 5 ml glacial acetic acid and about 300 ml of water.    Heat on steam bath, until solution is complete clear, cool and make to mark with water.    Pipette 5 ml of std. solution in 50 ml volumetric flask & dilute to mark with 0.2 N HCl mark solution (A).

               Section (A)

1 ml -----à200 m     ( 0.05 mcg / ml ) [ solution a]

1 ml----à100 ml   ( 0.10 mcg / ml ) [ solution b]
2 ml----à100 ml    ( 0.20 mcg / ml ) [ solution c]

3 ml---à100 ml    ( 0.30 mcg / ml ) [ solution d]
7 ml---à100 ml--à25 ml--à50 ml  ( 0.35 mcg / ml ) [ solution e]
                all volumetric flask dilute to mark with 0.2 N HCl.
5.2.3       Measure the readings with the above solutions.
5.2.4       Record the observations in the calibration record format (Annexure - 2).
5.2.5       Plot the graph concentration verses reading; it should show a linear graph.
5.2.6   Frequency: Once in a month and after each maintenance job.
6.0          Precautions:
6.1          Do not spill the sample liquid in the sample compartment.
6.2        Ensure that the instrument is kept away from any vibration forming devices.
6.3     Ensure proper handling and storage of the sample tubes and filters.
7.0      Routine maintenance:
7.1      Clean the instrument with dry cloth.
7.2      Clean the pre filter and secondary filter with tissue paper.
8.0          Documentation:
8.1          Annexure – 1 -  Photoflurometer usage log book.                       XXX/FRM/000
8.2         Annexure – 2 -    Photoflurometer calibration record format.       XXX/FRM/000

9.0         History of Revision:
Revision No.
Effective Date
Revision details
Reason for revision

Annexure – 1
Name of Sample
A. R. No.
B. No.
Used by

SOP No. : XXX/SOP/000-00         Format No. : XXX/FRM/000-00

Annexure – 2


Calibration Date :                                         Next Due date for Calibration :

1.0          Sensitivity :
Working standard no. :                 
Weight of Riboflavin taken :             in a 500 ml volumetric flask, add 5 ml glacial acetic acid and about 300 ml of water. Heat on  steam bath, until solution is complete clear, cool and make to mark with water. Pipette 5 ml of  std. solution in 50 ml volumetric flask & dilute to mark with 0.2 N HCl  mark solution (A).Pipette 2 ml solution (A) in 100 ml volumetric flask & dilute to mark with 0.2 N HCl.
Reading :
2.0              Linearity : SECTION A
1 ml -----à200 m     ( 0.05 mcg / ml ) [ solution a]

1 ml----à100 ml   ( 0.10 mcg / ml ) [ solution b]
2 ml----à100 ml    ( 0.20 mcg / ml ) [ solution c]

3 ml---à100 ml    ( 0.30 mcg / ml ) [ solution d]
7 ml---à100 ml--à25 ml--à50 ml  ( 0.35 mcg / ml ) [ solution e]

Sr. No.
0.05 mcg/ml

0.1 mcg/ml

0.2 mcg/ml

0.3 mcg/ml

0.35 mcg/ml

Correlation coefficient (Lt. : NLT 0.99)

Calibration status        : Satisfactory / Not satisfactory.

Calibrated by :                                                                                   Checked by :

SOP No. : XXX/SOP/000-00                 Format No. : XXX/FRM/000-00

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