1.0 Objective:
To provide written procedure for Operation
and Calibration of Flamephotometer.
2.0 Scope:
SOP covers Operation and Calibration of Flamephotometer.
3.0 Responsibility:
Research Officer, Research Officer: Responsible for operation, calibration and
maintenance of the instrument as per procedure.
Head of Department: Responsible
for calibration and maintenance, timely as per schedule.
QA Officer/QA Manager: Review the records and governing the document
4.0 Procedure:
4.1 Ensure that the instrument is
clean and free from dust.
4.2 Connect
the mains plug of instrument to the 230 V A.C. mains, to power the instrument
and through it the compressor and igniter.
4.3 Switch ON the compressor. Turn AIR
control anti-clockwise. Air is allowed into the mixing chamber. Adjust air
control to read 75 Kpa (0.75 kg/cm2 or 10 psi) on the pressure gauge.
Turn the Viewing Window Knob
anti-clock-wise and insert igniter tip into flame chamber, through the opening.
Ensure that the Air is flowing through the burner.
4.5 Turn GAS control anti-clock-wise slowly.
Fuel gas is allowed into the burner slowly. Press the button on the igniter to
light the burner and remove the igniter.
GAS control to get silent flame close to the burner with 10 distinct sharp blue
cones. Allow flame to stabilize for about 5 minutes.
4.6 Operating Instruction:
Switch the instrument ON.
4.6.2 Open the lid of the FILTER chamber. Insert
appropriate filter for the test through the opening and close the lid, push
Na/Ca, K/Li push button to desired position.
4.6.3 Insert the free end of the PVC take-up
capillary in distilled water or the reagent blank. Adjust SET ZERO control to
obtain 00 displayed on readout.
4.6.4 Insert the free end of PVC take-up capillary
into the Na/Ca/K/Li Working Standard solutions of highest concentration of the
elements to be determined.
4.6.5 Set the COARSE selector to Lo, MED or HI
range as required depending on the Working standard solutions of highest
concentration used for calibration.
4.6.6 Adjust FINE control to obtain a display of
exactly 100 on the READOUT.
4.6.7 Repeat
operation of 4.10 to 4.13 to ensure 00 and 100 are displayed respectively when
the Blank and the Working Standard solution of highest concentration are
aspirated into flame.
4.6.8 Insert the free end of the PVC take-up
capillary in distilled water for a minute or two to wash the mixing chamber
thoroughly before the actual test.
4.6.9 Insert the free end of the PVC take-up
capillary on the sample. Read the value of Concentration as displayed on the
4.7.10 Feed
the Working Standard solutions of known concentration from time to time in a
series of tests, to check the calibration. Check the 00 with the Blank
4.7 Cleaning the System after the Measurement:
4.8.1 When used for chemical analysis:
Feed cleaning solution diluted 1
in 100 with distilled water to the Nebulizer for 5 minutes.
4.8.2 When used for clinical analysis:
Feed disinfecting/deproteinizing
solution diluted 1 in 100 with distilled water to the Nebulizer for 5 minutes.
4.8.3 Feed Distilled water to the Nebulizer for 5
4.9 For shut down the system,
switch the instrument Off. Cut Off fuel supply to the burner. Switch Off the
4.10 Enter the details
in usage logbook as per given in Annexure – 1.
5.0 Calibration:
5.1 Weigh accurately about 2.543 gm Sodium
chloride primary working standard in 1000 ml volumetric flask, dissolve it with
purified water and make volume with purified water. (Solution A, 1000 ppm Na
stock solution)
5.2 Pipette 1 ml, 2 ml, 3 ml, 4 ml and 5 ml of
solution A in five different 100 ml volumetric flask and make volume with
purified water. Obtained concentration of solution 10 ppm, 20 ppm, 30 ppm, 40
ppm and 50 ppm respectively.
5.3 Operate the instrument and note down
the result in calibration record format as given in Annexure - 2
Plot the graph of concentration in ppm
verses result, the graph should be linear and correlation coefficient not less
than 0.99.
Calibration Frequency: Quarterly
6.0 Routine maintenance:
6.1 Clean the instrument with dry
6.2 Clean the burner with carbon
7.0 Documentation:
7.1 Annexure – 1 Flame photometer Usage logbook XXX/FRM/000
7.2 Annexure – 2 Flame photometer calibration record
format XXX/FRM/000
8.0 History of
Revision No.
Reason for
Annexure – 1
Name of Sample
A. R. No.
B. No.
Used by
| Remark |
SOP No. : XXX/SOP/025-00 Format No. : XXX/FRM/000-00
Annexure – 2
Date : Next
Due date for Calibration :
No. :
Instrument ID No. :
(1) Linearity :
Chloride (Grade)& B. No. : Balance
No. :
Weight of Sodium Chloride taken : diluted 1000 ml with
purified water. (Solution A)
Pipette 1 ml, 2 ml, 3 ml, 4 ml and 5 ml of solution A in five
different 100 ml volumetric flask and make volume with purified water. Obtained
concentration of solution 10 ppm, 20 ppm, 30 ppm, 40 ppm and 50 ppm
Calibration Status :
by : Checked by :
SOP No. : XXX/SOP/000-00 Format No. : XXX/FRM/000-00
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