1.0 Objective:
The purpose of this SOP is to
provide written procedure for Operation and Calibration of Polarimeter.
2.0 Scope:
This SOP covers Operation
and Calibration of Polarimeter.
3.0 Responsibility:
Jr. Research Officer, Research Officer: Responsible for operation,
calibration and maintenance of the instrument as per procedure.
Head of Department:
Responsible for calibration and maintenance, timely as per schedule.
QA Officer/QA Manager: Review the records and governing the document.
4.0 Procedure:
4.1 Ensure that the instrument is
visibly clean and free from dust & all the parts including optical lens,
telescope lens, Polarimeter tube are clean.
4.2 Set up the instrument on the plain
platform with the analyzer head facing the operator, and illuminated sodium
lamp attached to the bracket on the instrument in direct line with the axis of
the instrument and about four inches from the end.
4.3 Turn the power on.
4.4 Wait for 20 minutes to elute the
sodium lamp to its maximum brightness.
4.5 Focus the top eyepiece to show the
Scale and index line.
4.6 Remove the Polarimeter tube or keep
the tube empty.
4.7 Now set the eye of the field
telescope and focus to obtain a circular disc of light.
4.8 By means of wheel type knob from
side arm in such a position that the light field is divided into two halves rapidly
changing in light intensity as the control knob is moved and that between the
extremes of blackout of the two halves, such that a position may be found that
gives equal black intensity.
4.9 This
is the balance position or zero - zero position (The position that if you
slightly turn the know left side half black shade will seen and if you turn slightly
back the right side half black shade will seen). Here, the half-dark and
half-light portion is matched with a knob by rotating it in clockwise or
anticlockwise directions. It is also
defined as dextro ( + ) or leavo ( - )
rotatory respectively.
4.10 At the balance
position circle should read zero and micrometer is set to zero.
4.11 Now clean the Polarimeter tube
and window glass pieces with distilled water.
4.12 Rinse the Polarimeter tube with
the media.
4.13 Close the one end of the tube,
fill the tube with media (solution of
an optically active sample whose activity is to be measure) and slide it down
in the polarizing unit. Be sure that there is no air bubble large enough to
block the light path inside the polarimeter tube.
4.14 By means of the control wheel knob readjust to obtain the same balance
position as in 4.8. Record the reading
as a blank reading.
4.15 Repeat the above step 4.14 and 4.15 for test sample. Take at least five
readings for test sample. Record the mean of these five reading as a test reading
(i.e. angle of optical rotation).
4.16 The difference between the readings obtains with and without the sample
being the measure is the
sample optical activity.
4.17 Clean the instrument after use.
4.18 Enter the details of the sample in the Polarimeter usage log book
(Annexure – 1).
5.0 Calibration:
5.1 Calibrate the instrument by using
different concentrations of Sucrose previously dried at 105° C for 2 hours.
(g /100 ml) at 25° C in degree (+)
10.0 13.33
20.0 26.61
± 0.05
30.0 39.86
± 0.05
40.0 53.06 ±
50.0 66.23 ±
5.2 Record the observations in the
polarimeter calibration format as given in Annexure - 2.
5.3 Calibration frequency: Once in a month
and after each maintenance job.
6.0 Routine
6.1 Clean the instrument with a clean dry cloth.
6.2 Clean the eye piece with tissue paper.
7.0 Documentation:
7.1 Annexure - 1 -Polarimeter usage log book. XXX/FRM/000
7.2 Annexure - 2 -Polarimeter calibration Format. XXX/FRM/000
7.1 Annexure - 1 -Polarimeter usage log book. XXX/FRM/000
7.2 Annexure - 2 -Polarimeter calibration Format. XXX/FRM/000
8.0 History of Revision:
Revision No.
Reason for
Add revision
history, routine maintenance and defined responsibility.
Periodic review
Annexure – 1
Name of Sample
A. R. No.
Batch No.
Used by
No. : XXX/SOP/000-00 Format No. : XXX/FRM/000-00
Annexure – 2
Remarks : Satisfactory / Not Satisfactory
Calibrated by :
Checked by :
SOP No. : XXX/SOP/000-00 Format No. : XXX/FRM/000-00
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