1.0 Objective:
To provide written procedure for operation of Atomic
Absorption Spectrometer with graphite furnace.
2.0 Scope:
This SOP covers operation of Atomic Absorption
Spectrometer with graphite furnace;
Make - Varian.
3.0 Responsibility:
Research Officer, Research Officer: Responsible for operation, calibration and
maintenance of the instrument as per procedure.
Head of Department: Responsible for calibration and maintenance, timely
as per schedule.
QA Officer/QA Manager: Review the records and governing the document.
4.0 Procedure:
4.1 Ensure that the instrument is clean and
free from dust.
4.2 Operating Procedure:
4.2.1 Open the outlet of the Nitrogen cylinder
Switch ‘ON’ the cold-water pump, which is required to control the
temperature in graphite furnace. The water flow must be more than 1.5 to 2.0
liters per minutes with pressure.
4.2.3 Switch ‘ON’ the computer system, monitor
and the instrument.
4.2.4 Programmable sample dispenser
(PSD) is attached on the front side of instrument.
4.2.5 Keep the standard vial and
sample vial in PSD at their respective position.
4.2.6 Double click on the spectrAA
4.2.7 Click on Worksheet icon, open
new worksheet then give the name of worksheet, adds the number of sample to run
and click ok.
Click on ‘add method’ icon and select the method. Place a Hollow Cathode
Lamp as per selected method in a lamp holder positioned to the right of the
4.2.9 Click on
‘Edit method’ icon and open the dialogue box.
4.2.10 Select Automix or
Premix in Sampling mode, select peak height in measure mode, select
concentration in calibration mode, select the lamp position and background
correction in optical mode, fill respective standard concentration then keep
vial in their respective place and adjust the volume of the blank & bulk
which is to be adjusted in the sampler mode.
If modifier is used, place the modifier in their respective position and
update their position in the sampler mode & click OK.
Click on ‘Labels’ icon and name
the labels, write the sample weight and sample volume before analysis.
Click on ‘instrument’ icon then
click on optimize icon, select method and click OK.
For furnace facility press
shift +F7 key and align the tube. After proper alignment of tube close the
furnace facility.
Programmable Sample Dispenser:
In Carousel 1 to 45 number are
for sample vial, 46 to 50 number for premixed standard,
52 number for blank vial and 53 to
55 for modifier.
4.4 Setting up the Capillary:
A mirror is used to see inside
the graphite tube to check the alignment.
Capillary is correctly located
in the vials when picking up sol.
The capillary should enter or
leaves in the graphite tube atomizer without touching the sides of the
injection hole.
Graphite Tube Atomizer:
4.5.1 Place the partition graphite
tube by opening the burner shield & place the tube in such a
manner that the hole of the tube
should be positioned towards the rear of the right-hand
of the burner shield.
The liquid trap attached at the
bottom of the PSD should be filled with D.D. Water.
4.6 Report:
Double click on the SpectraAA
icon, click on ‘report’ icon. Select the worksheet. Then click next for two
times select the sol. data, report contents. In report contents only select the
standards & also select the calibration graph report.
Then click next the report is
generated to see the report click on print preview or print out the report
click print report.
After completion exit the soft
ware & switch off the instrument.
Record the usage of instrument
in usage log book of instrument.
5.0 Precaution:
5.1 Do not touch the quartz lamp envelop
with bare hands. Skin oils may be absorbed into the
quartz. Always use clean cotton gloves when handling lamps. If
contact is made with the lamp surface, clean immediately with propanol.
5.2 The liquid trap must be filled
with the same solvent as that used for the analysis.
5.3 Ventilate the working area by
using an efficient extraction system to remove burnt gases.
6.0 Calibration:
Check the performance of the instrument quarterly
7.0 Maintenance:
7.1 Clean the instrument with wet cloth than
7.2 Replace the water in liquid trap.
8.0 Documentation:
– 1 Instrument Usage logbook XXX/FRM/000
9.0 History of Revision:
Revision No.
Reason for
Annexure - 1
Name of Sample
A. R. No.
Batch No.
Analyzed by
SOP No. : XXX/SOP/000 -00 Format No. : XXX/FRM/000-00
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