1.0 Objective
The objective of this Standard Operating Procedure is to lay down
the procedure for operating the Tablet Dissolution Apparatus
2.0 Scope
This SOP covers operating procedure of Tablet Dissolution Apparatus
3.0 Responsibility
Jr. Research
Officer, Research Officer: Responsible for operation, calibration and
maintenance of the instrument as per procedure.
Head of
Department: Responsible for calibration and maintenance, timely as per
QA Officer/QA Manager: Review the records and governing the document.
4.0 Procedure
4.1 Ensure the instrument
is Clean & Free from Dust
4.2 System Start Up
4.2.1 Switch ON The ETC-11L
instrument by pressing the power button
4.2.2 Now,
Switch ON
the Power switch provided on rear side of TDST-08L the instrument will
initialize by displaying a power flash screen, which will flash once.
4.2.3 After
the power flash screen will be displayed showing the last protocol no selected,
RPM, Bath
temperature, and temp by external probe.
4.2.4 Raise the instrument
by pressing the lift UP Key provided in the front panel TDT-08L.
4.2.5 Remove the bath Top
Plate and fill the bath with R.O or distilled water till the bottom of the
inlet Nozzle. Once the tube of the inlet nozzle is filled with water, ensure
the priming of the pump. Then fill water till the level marked. Place the bath
top plate and tighten the
plate retaining Knob
4.2.6 Place the test vessels
filled with the media.
4.2.7 If required check the
centering of the Test Vessel.
4.2.8 Set
the test parameter as desired.
4.2.9 Parameter Setting:
RPM Setting:
In this parameter rotation per minute of the shaft are set from 25
to 200 RPM
Setting Of spindle RPM Press RPM key from front panel a RPM screen
will be displayed than set the RPM by pressing UP/Down/Digit scroll key and
enter to register the value. Than come out the RPM mode.
For starting and stopping of spindle rotation Press RPM key and than
F1 for starting and F2 for Stopping
Temperature Setting:
In this parameter temperature of the bath is set from 30°C to 40°C
Press the TEMP key from the front panel a Temperature screen will be
display than set the Temperature by using UP/Down/Digit scroll key and enter
key to register the value. Than come out the Temperature mode.
For Heater ON/OFF Press TEMP key and than F1 for Heater to be ON and
F2 for Heater to be OFF.
If the temperature controller has started then the ONLED on the
front panel and ETC-11L will glow.
If HEATER ON then the circulating pump will start by default
Run Time
To set the run time press TIME key from the front panel and set the
time by pressing UP/Down/ Digit Scroll key and enter key to register the value.
Than come out the time mode
4.2.10 Lower the stirrer unit
by pressing the down arrow key from the front panel.
Press F1 Key (PREPARE) for starting of test, the temperature
controller will be on.
4.2.11 To
attain a constant temperature through out The vessel start the RPM with paddle
attached to the spindle.
4.2.12 After
getting the desired temperature at the lowest position of the stirrer unit (as
per the method selected) the ready indication on the front panel will glow.
4.2.13 To
View the individual jar temperature in between the test or prior to the test,
from idle screen press F2 key to select jar probe.
Caution: If F1 key pressed to start the test and stirrer unit is not at the
lowest position then an error indication will be display for 5 sec, Press down
arrow key to park the stirrer unit at lowest position and rectify the error
4.2.14 To
start the testing lift the stirrer unit and place the test sample in basket if
using apparatus 1 and in jar if using apparatus2 than down the stirrer unit by
pressing down key and start the test.
5.0 Calibration:
5.1.1 Set 37˚ C and measure the temperature using
calibrated thermometer.
5.1.2 Of inside vessel at the following intervals
: 30 minutes, 45 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hours, 4 hours.
5.1.3 Limit : The observed value should be between
36.5˚ C to 37.5˚ C.
5.1.4 Record the observations as given in the
Annexure - 2.
5.2.1 Set the speed as 50 RPM and measure the
number rotations at the following time intervals : 30 minutes, 45 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hours, 4
5.2.2 Limit: ± 4 % of the
set speed.
5.2.3 Record the observations as given in the
Annexure - 2.
5.2.4 In the same way, set the speed as 100 RPM
and measure the number rotations at the following time intervals: 30 minutes,
45 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hours, 4 hours.
5.2.5 Limit: ± 4 % of the set speed.
5.2.6 Record
the observations as given in the Annexure - 2.
5.3.1 Check the shaft paddle wobbling using wobble
meter at different time intervals as follows: 30 minutes, 45 minutes, 1 hour, 2
hours, 4 hours. (Limit : ± 2 mm from
vertical axis) Record the observations as given in the Annexure - 2.
5.3.2 Check the basket wobbling using wobble meter
at the following time intervals as follows: 30
minutes, 45 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hours, 4 hours.
(Limit : ± 2 mm of maximum allowable run out at the bottom).
5.3.3 Record the observations as given in the
Annexure - 2.
5.4.1 Measure the distance
between the bottom of the vessel and the basket. Limit: 25 ± 2 mm.
5.4.2 Record the observations.
5.5.1 Using the centering device check whether the
dissolution vessel is at center.
5.5.2 If it is not at the
center, then adjust its position to the center.
5.6 Calibration Frequency: Monthly for
above parameter
5.7 Calibration with USP calibrators:
5.7.1 Use the following dissolution calibrators:
Disintegrating type Prednisone tablets.
Use current lot of the
above tablets for calibration.
5.7.2 To
be prepared and use dissolution medium as per catalog given with USP
calibrators tablets specification from the source.
5.7.3 To
set all the parameters e.g. RPM, Apparatus 1 or 2 (Basket or paddle),
temperature and time as per given in specification.
5.7.4 After
completion of USP calibrator calibration calculate the percentage and compare
with Acceptance Criteria as per given in specification.
5.7.5 Enter the details of
calibration record in Annexure – 2.
Calibration Frequency: Yearly for USP calibrator tablet
Routine maintenance:
Disconnect the instrument from
power supply.
Remove the water from tank.
Clean the water tank with dry cloth and replace the fresh distilled water.
Clean the Basket –Paddle and
Bowl with water and than dry cloth.
Clean the instrument with dry
7.0 Documentation:
Annexure – 1
Instrument usage log book XXX/FRM/000-00
Annexure – 2 Dissolution Apparatus Calibration Record
Format XXX/FRM/000-00
8.0 History of Revision:
Revision No.
Reason for
Annexure – 1
R. No.
of Sample
SOP No. : XXX/SOP/000 Format No. : XXX/FRM/000-00
Annexure – 2
Calibration Parameter
Unit No.
Unit - 1
Unit - 2
Unit - 3
Unit - 4
Unit - 5
Unit - 6
Limit :
37.0° ± 0.5° C
30 Minutes
45 Minutes
1 Hour
2 Hour
4 Hour
Shaft (Paddle) wobbling
Limit : ± 2 mm from vertical axis
30 Minutes
45 Minutes
1 Hour
2 Hour
4 Hour
Basket wobbling
Limit : ± 2 mm from vertical axis
30 Minutes
45 Minutes
1 Hour
2 Hour
4 Hour
Rotation per Minute Set 50
(Limit :
4 % of set speed)
30 Minutes
45 Minutes
1 Hour
2 Hour
4 Hour
Rotation per Minute Set 100
(Limit :
4 % of set speed)
30 Minutes
45 Minutes
1 Hour
2 Hour
4 Hour
Distance (Limit :
25 ± 2 mm)
Remarks :
Satisfactory / Not Satisfactory
Calibrated by :
Checked by :
SOP No. : XXX/SOP/080 Format No. : XXX/FRM/000-00
Annexure – 2
Unit No.
Apparatus 1 (Basket)
Apparatus 2 (Paddle)
Acceptance Criteria
Remarks : Satisfactory /
Not Satisfactory
Calibrated by :
Checked by :
SOP No. : XXX/SOP/000 Format No. : XXX/FRM/000-00
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